Concepción Arenal 4630 Buenos Aires, Argentina


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Alpina is a collection that indagates on the capacity of a flat matrix to mutate in order to conceive formal pieces of furniture. By applying a series of simple operations to this matrix -trim, rotate, translate- with the sole premise of conserving its proportions, spatial relationships are stablished and generate volume and tridimensionality, and at the same time suggest the function and identity of the furniture pieces. The matrix acts in all cases as the lateral structure, while the horizontal frames which contain the planes of support link and rigidizes the system. The collection seeks to relate lightly to the spaces it occupies, not as solid volumes, but rather as a set of vectors and planes in the air. To achieve this, we decided to use solid steel rods instead of hollow tubes. This allowed us to use smaller sections and, in this way, emphasize the slenderness of the lines. This decision generates a supposed contradiction since although the pieces appear to be visually light, they are considerably heavy. The result of this first series was a chair, a table, a desk and a multipurpose shelf.

Powder coat steel, copper plated expanded metal mesh, Formica veneered plywood
Produced by
Ries Estudio
Pictures by
Ries Estudio